Creamed Chard

The mushrooms perfume the cream and gently wilts the chard when poured over the leaves. 

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2 bunches chard
1 onion
6-8 oz mushrooms, any variety
1/2 cup white wine
1 cup cream


  1. Cut the chard into ribbons and slice the stems thinly.
  2. Slice the onion thinly.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into slices and quarters.
  4. In a medium pan heat a glug of oil and sweat the onion with a pinch of salt until soft.
  5. Add the mushrooms and roast until the extra liquid has released and reduced.
  6. Add the white wine and reduce until almost dry.
  7. Add the cream and bring to a boil then drop to a simmer and allow to reduce by a quarter.
  8. Pour the cream sauce over the chard and stems to gently wilt then serve.