Granor Farm Camp is a weekly summer program for children ages 5-10 years old. Each day, campers get dirty in the fields, work together problem solving in group projects, learn to cook with food they harvest, and create process-based nature art. They are asked to work with our farm staff and think creatively about what to make with the produce we grow. Campers learn about the food they eat and discover a love of trying something new, leaving Granor Farm with new friends, great ideas and lots of knowledge about how farm life works.
Registration for Granor Farm Camp is NOW OPEN!
This year we are partnering with CampDoc to assist with the registration process. Please follow the link below to create an account with CampDoc and register for Granor Farm Camp.
Enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis. If the session you are interested in is full, you may join the wait list. We will notify you when we have any openings.
REGISTER NOW!The program includes activities that involve exploring the farm, Granor produce, cooking and group projects. Each week of camp will have a farm-related theme ranging from Fruit Farming to Vegetable Growing to Flower Harvesting. Continue reading to learn more about these themes.
Our Camp team includes teachers with over 20 years of experience working with children, counselors who attended our program as campers, and a crew of farm managers who work at Granor Farm every day.
2025 Farm Camp Schedule
Week 1 June 30-July 3
Week 2 July 7-10
Week 3 July 14-17
Week 4 July 21-24
Week 5 July 28-31
Week 6 August 4-7
It is our goal to immerse the campers in the agricultural process at Granor Farm. The campers will help harvest, weed, water, clean, and manage pests. Campers love to find the wild collection of bugs that hide among the plants. Our farm staff will have assignments each day to be divided up and accomplished.
Each day campers will have opportunities for creative exploration. With nature and farm-based themes, campers use paint, wood, pinecones, rocks, or whatever else they find around the garden to craft and create beautiful pieces of art. These process-based crafts teach campers various creative and fine-motor skills as well as help them become more observant to the world around them.
In addition to learning how to skillfully harvest vegetables
from the fields, we want our campers to learn how to use the food we grow in
delicious recipes. Together with our in-house chef, campers will learn about
new recipes, help prepare the food, and hopefully develop a favorite way to
prepare and eat yummy vegetables. At the end of the week, campers will go home
with a new collection of recipes to share with their families.
Supervised and orchestrated by the Granor Farm Camp Counselors,
we offer a variety of games and activities each day. Camp favorites include Bug
Bingo, Drip Drip Drop (our rendition of Duck Duck Goose), Capture the Flag (or
Zucchini), and on some days tattoos and face painting. Hanging out with their
counselors provides our young campers with the wonderful opportunity to build
strong team building skills and new friendships.
Herbs are an important part of any garden and kitchen. They can be easy to grow and are an essential part of cooking. This week camp will focus on starting our own herb gardens, learning what herbs are used for in food, and making our own herbal concoctions. If you have a child that loves to make potions in the backyard, this is the week for them!
In recent years Granor Farm has expanded fruit production from raspberries, blackberries, and ground cherries into the tree fruits, strawberries, and rhubarb. Growing fruit always provides a quick tasty treat in the field as well as attracting pollinators for all of our crops. This week we will learn more about the fruits that grow in our area, create beautiful crafts with fruit in mind, and try tasty fruit-themed recipes throughout the week!
This week camp will dive into discovering the types of foods we grow here at Granor Farm, how we grow them, what tools we use, and what we do with them once they are ripe and ready for harvest. We will explore the fields, plant our own foods, cook tasty treats using Granor-grown vegetables, and create vegetable-themed craft projects. Expect to go on scavenger hunts, dig in the gardens, discover new tasty vegetables, and use vegetables like art tools!
In addition to all the vegetables and herbs we grow at Granor Farm, flowers are a big part of our farm and an essential part of a thriving ecosystem. We will learn about the types of flowers we grow, which ones are edible, which ones attract the bugs we need to nurture our plants, and even learn about the important role weeds play in helping or hindering our soil and plants. Expect to eat some flowers, make delicious teas, and learn to make natural dyes! We will leave this week with a new appreciation for those colorful plants all around us.
There is a lot going on in the soil that supports all the plants growing at Granor Farm. This week, we will get down and dirty in that soil. We will talk about what kind of soil is best for different types of plants. We will discuss all those creepy crawlers moving around underground and learn which ones are good or not so good for our vegetables. While we won’t eat any bugs this week, we will create dirt inspired foods and craft projects. Expect to make paint out of mud, go on a bug scavenger hunt and leave being able to identify a few new bugs.
Farming is not only about growing beautiful produce, but also about sustainability and a love of the land. This week camp will focus our attention on the things we already have, how we can reuse them, repurpose them and make them thriving again. Sometimes that means repainting our farm camp sign or fixing a broken bench. Other times it means picking up all the dead branches and making beautiful art from them. Campers should expect to harness their creativity to help make the Granor Farm camp space beautiful, all while reusing things we already have.
Laura is a Michigan native who spent her childhood in the woods of Leelanau County. She currently lives in the south suburbs of Chicago with her husband, Pat and three children. Laura is a Montessori trained teacher and spent the last dozen years teaching in the classroom. She is also an avid gardener and loves to cook the fruits and veggies that come straight from her backyard. Laura always looks forward to spending her summers with Granor Farm Camp and especially loves watching campers dig into their crafts and gardens.