Beans a la Romania

The counter balance to barely cooked green beans is long slow-cooked green beans that melt in your mouth, the Roman style.


5 sprigs thyme, tied as a bundle
1 onion, sliced thinly
1 head fennel, sliced thinly
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup white wine
2 bags fresh beans, green or tongue of fire
2-3 cups water, chicken or vegetable stock


  1. In a large shallow pan, heat a glug of olive oil over medium heat
  2. Add the thyme to fry briefly
  3. Add the onion, fennel, and garlic with a hefty pinch of salt and allow to soften
  4. Add the white wine and reduce by half
  5. Add the beans and stock and cook until the beans are meltingly tender, about 35 minutes
  6. Remove from the heat and taste adding more salt as needed
  7. Serve with a hefty glug of olive oil over the top and a few grating of parmesan cheese as desired