Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese and Raspberries

This salad blends the mild heat of arugula with the tang of fresh raspberries and creamy fresh goat cheese. Feel free to replace the arugula with spinach or salad greens. Likewise, the raspberries with strawberries, black berries or blue berries. 

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1 bag arugula
4oz fresh goat cheese
1 pt raspberries
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 T honey
1/4 cup pecans, toasted


  1. Wash and dry the greens.
  2. Combine the vinegar, oil, salt, pepper, and honey. 
  3. Drizzle the greens with the vinaigrette. 
  4. Taste the greens and adjust the seasoning and then transfer to a serving platter.
  5. Dot the goat cheese all over. 
  6. Scatter the raspberries and pecans evenly across the salad and serve.