Farm Store FAQs

What can I expect when I come to the retail farm store at Granor Farm?

The Granor Farm Store is filled with our seed-to-harvest organic vegetables, fabulous Granor Farm merchandise, items from our on-farm kitchen, and local artisan products including a selection of housewares and local meats, fish, and dairy products.

Where should I park?

Our primary parking is in the large gravel lot at 3520 Warren Woods Rd. There is a smaller lot to the NE of the Farm Store, but we ask that those spaces be reserved for those needing a shorter walk to the store.

Do you take credit cards?

We accept cash, credit cards, and mobile or digital wallet payments.

Is the farm store open for pre-ordering online?

We are currently open for in-person, retail shopping only.

May I bring my Granor Farm box back?

Yes! We will reuse the boxes. We do not accept used brown bags or egg cartons.

May I bring my own reusable bag for my groceries?

Yes! We will happily pack your own bag for you.

How will I know what's available each week at the store?

We do our best to communicate what's available via our weekly newsletter and over social media. The team typically harvests vegetables the day before or the day of the farm store so expect new items regularly.

What is your phone number?

We don't have a phone. Service is very spotty on the farm, so it's best to communicate via email. Please reach out to [email protected] for any farm store questions.

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