Campers will stay in a designated group throughout their camp experience.

Each group will have a name (“The Carrots, The Beets, The Onion”) and a set of counselors will be assigned to a group for the duration of the week of camp.

The small groups will not cross with other groups to minimize exposure and make contact tracing efficient.

Additional cleaning of the facilities & materials will take place throughout the day.

Any equipment that is taken out must be cleaned before being used with the next group.

Counselors will be responsible for wiping surfaces, especially those that are shared, throughout the day. Campers may assist and will be supervised by the adult.

Masks are required by all campers, counselors, and teaching staff.

Limited use of cubbies.

Handwashing will be encouraged throughout the day. Extra hand washing stations will be set up around the camp play areas.

Most of the activities will take place outdoors. Our School House has open ventilation on all four sides of the building to ensure fresh air all day long.