Pickup Dates: May 2 - June 14
Total Cost: $250
Note: Spring shares include five items each week plus five seedlings during our Organic Seedling Sale (May 23-24).
Pickup Dates: June 20 - September 6
Total Cost: $450
Pickup Dates: September 12 - November 15
Total Cost: $300
This is a market-style CSA that includes your choice of six Granor-grown vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruit each week based on the seasonal availability in our Farm Store. Everything in the Vegetable CSA is Certified Organic and grown by us from seed to harvest. CSA shares can be picked up at our Farm Store on Fridays & Saturdays 10AM-6PM ET (and on Sundays 10AM-2PM in July & August). Learn more about the Granor's Vegetable CSA Subscription here.