Roasted Beets with Goat Cheese, Kale, Bourbon Cherries, and Coco Nibs

This salad is dark and velvetty. The coco nibs are optional but add a nice crunch and chocolatey decadence.


1 bunch beets
4oz goat cheese
1/2 cup bourbon
1/4 cup hot water
1 1/2 cup dried cherries
1 bunch kale
1/4 cup coco nibs


  1. Heat oven to 350F
  2. Wash the beets, toss them with a glug of neutral oil, pinch of salt and transfer to an oven proof dish
  3. Cover beets with tin foil and bake until tender (about 35 minutes)
  4. Combine the bourbon, hot water, and cherries and let sit at least 10 minutes to plump
  5. Rub the skins from the beets 
  6. Cut the beets into irregular chunks
  7. Strip the kale from its stems and cut the leaves into ribbons
  8. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the kale and massage until dark green and tender
  9. Dress the beets and massaged kale with a 1/4 C of olive oil, pinch of salt and pepper
  10. Transfer the kale to a serving platter
  11. Dot with the goat cheese
  12. Scatter the cherries and coco nibs over the whole thing and serve